- Balaton Limnological Research Institute
- Baltic Seabird Project [Sweden]
- Bangor University
- Basque Research and Technology Alliance
- Bavarian State Collection of Zoology
- Bay Cetology
- Bearded Vulture Study and Protection Group
- BEDIC, OD Nature [Brussels, Belgium]
- beGraX auto entreprise
- Behavioural Ecology and Ecophysiology Group
- Behavioural Ecology & Ecophysiology Group
- Behavioural Ecology & Ecophysiology Group,
- Beijing Genomics Institute [Shenzhen]
- Beni-Suef University
- Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research
- BGI Qingdao
- Bialowieza Geobotanical Station
- Biodémographie évolutive [LBBE]
- Biodiversité et gestion des territoires
- Biodiversité, Gènes & Communautés
- Biodiversity and Conservation Ecology Laboratory [USA]
- Biodiversity Research Institute
- Biodiversity Section [Norway]
- Biogéosciences [UMR 6282]
- Biogéosystèmes Continentaux - UMR7327
- Bio-Indicateurs Actuels et Fossiles
- Biologie des Infections Virales Émergentes - Biology of Emerging Viral Infections [CIRI]
- Biologie des Organismes et Ecosystèmes Aquatiques
- Biologie, Epidémiologie et analyse de risque en Santé Animale
- Biologie et Gestion des Adventices
- Biologie intégrative des organismes marins
- Biologie moléculaire et immunologie parasitaires et fongiques
- Biology
- Biology, Acadia University,Wolfville, NS, Canada
- Biology Department
- Biology Department [Kansas, USA]
- Biology Department MS-50 [USA]
- Biology Department [North Carolina]
- Biology Department of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria [Spain]
- Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland
- Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University [USA]
- Biomedical Engineering [Storrs, CT, United States]
- Biosphère Environnement
- BioSphère Environnement, 52 quai de l’Estuaire, 17120 Mortagne-sur-Gironde, France
- Biostatistique et Processus Spatiaux
- Biotope [Mèze]
- BirdLife Denmark [Denmark]
- BirdLife International
- Bird Life International Partner in France
- BirdLife [Malta]
- BirdLife Österreich [Austria]
- Birds Canada, Sackville, NB, Canada
- Bishop's University
- Bishop’s University [Sherbrooke, Canada]
- Bloom asssociation
- Boston University [Boston]
- Botanical Garden Institute
- Botanical Garden Soroksar
- Botanique et Modélisation de l'Architecture des Plantes et des Végétations
- Bournemouth University [Poole]
- Bretagne Vivante
- British Antarctic Survey
- British Antartic Survey
- Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic [Überlingen, Germany]
- Bucknell University
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières
- Bureau Waardenburg